Frank Romans

May 9, 20224 min


Some history of women's struggles in this country is listed below. From a modern viewpoint, it seems appalling what they have collectively faced and fought to change. Wherever one stands on abortion issues personally, do we want a woman's right to choose what happens to or with her own body denied?

The recently leaked Supreme Court document reveals an alarming trend and shows us the court is indeed politicized and religiously influenced. It seems a few of these folks lied their way to confirmations. The Federalist Society and wealthy donor class are making their aims crystal clear, and the evangelicals and far-right politicians do not hide their goals for America.

We are in crisis, and our nation is in peril. I believe you can oppose the basic idea of abortion personally, but at the same time support a woman's right to decide. We all have mothers, sisters, daughters, spouses, and granddaughters. Do we want to see an erosion of their rights?


In 1769 the colonies adopted the English system decreeing women could not own property in their name or keep their earnings.

In 1777 all states passed laws that blocked women's right to vote.

In 1839 Mississippi granted women the right to hold property in their names - with permission from their husbands.

In 1866 the 14th Amendment was passed by Congress, with "citizens" and "voters" defined as "male" in the Constitution.

In 1872 female federal employees (but not private-sector workers) were guaranteed equal pay for equal work under the law. Also, in 1872 Susan B. Anthony casts her first vote to test the court's interpretation of the 14th Amendment and if the understanding would guarantee women the right to vote. She gets her answer when convicted of "unlawful voting."

In 1873 the Supreme Court ruled that a state has the right to exclude a married woman from practicing law.

In 1890 Wyoming became the first state to grant women the right to vote in all elections.

1900 – By this year, every state had passed legislation granting married women the right to keep their wages and own property.

1918 – Margaret Sanger, two years after opening a birth control clinic in Brooklyn, wins her suit in New York to allow doctors to advise their married patients about birth control for health purposes. The clinic, along with others, became Planned Parenthood in 1942.

In 1920 the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, ensuring the right of women to vote.

In 1923 the first version of the Equal Rights Amendment was introduced. It says, "Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction."

In 1963 the Equal Pay Act was passed by Congress, promising equitable wages for the same work, regardless of the race, color, religion, national origin, or sex of the worker.

In 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act passed, prohibiting sex discrimination in employment. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission begins.

In 1965 the Supreme Court established the right of married couples to use contraception.

In 1968 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed an executive order prohibiting sex discrimination by government contractors and requiring affirmative action plans for hiring women.

In 1972 the Supreme Court upheld the right to use birth control by unmarried couples.

1973 – Landmark Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade makes abortion legal. The Supreme Court bans sex-segregated "help wanted" advertising in a separate declaration.

1974 – Congress outlaws housing discrimination based on sex and credit discrimination against women.

In 1984, Mississippi belatedly ratified the 19th Amendment, granting women the vote.

1989 – The Supreme Court affirms the right of states to deny public funding for abortions and prohibit public hospitals from performing abortions.

In 1992 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v Casey, the Supreme Court upheld Roe v Wade but allowed states to impose restrictions on a waiting period and parental consent for minors seeking abortions.

I can list more, but you get the idea. The battle was fought over generations and continues today.


There are more issues on their radar besides abortion. Do you seriously believe other hot topics will not follow? Gay marriage? Inter-racial marriage? We remain plagued with a gerontocracy ruling class who would take us back to how we were long ago, or perhaps not so long ago.

I choose to believe, and I hope I am not wrong, that the vast majority of Americans oppose this radical push back to the past. Fighting back requires voting in massive numbers to show our intolerance for the intolerant. Typically, mid-term elections have a lackluster turnout. We must reverse that and make a statement in overwhelming numbers.

The argument is an old one, church vs. state. We are supposed to keep religion out of government, but some would have us embrace it as long as it is their particular belief. I seriously doubt there would be much support in arguing for Sharia laws in government. The future will give us what we vote for or what we deserve through apathy and indifference. Hold on because it is going to be a bumpy ride.

The first two books from the Warriors of Ameraulde trilogy are complete. Following suggestions, my aim is to create audiobooks for these two novels, a daunting and expensive task. There are links below to a Kickstarter funding campaign if you would like to contribute to my project.

The third book, Devil's Blood, is scheduled for October 2022.

I offer my most sincere, heartfelt appreciation to all of you who have enjoyed and supported my work. - Frank Romans

Here is the link.
